Sorry Donnie, DACA is MAGA

A lot can be said about the current President of the United States and it’s mostly negative and I’d rather not get into too many of the sordid details of his year-long stay. With an irritated press corps,  angry constituents on both sides of the line and disappointed supporters not gaining the fruits he’s currently shaking from the money tree it is not looking great. But as a thought, I have to consider the irreparable harm that he may be causing to our nation in regards to the DACA program.

To note: I believe that this man is an opportunist first, racist second.  Color matters just green more than most. Keep that in mind when you hear him speak. For him, the greatness, or the making of greatness, is purely financial. We aren’t the greatest country in the world and we need to be honest about that. A system that has created a massive disparity along social, racial, sexual and political lines has made us weaker not stronger. Programs are removed to gash wider holes in our social net to allow people to fall through them while at the same time mechanisms designed to allow money to trickle down from the top never appear. Can’t trickle down when you remove the faucet which has never truly been open. It’s a farce. It’s a shame actually because those of us that need it and deserve it don’t get it. Its a system that has drained the hope out of our country. We no longer have risk takers, visionaries that defy the safety of a job, a home, a family that hopefully leads to a pension. The climate has created an air of instability that makes us do just enough to survive and hopefully enough to pull ahead. In the presence of fear, we can find hope in those that dream. Trump wants to take that away. He shouldn’t. If he truly believes in what MAGA stands for besides the chance to sell some sweet red merch, then he should believe in DACA and what it entails.

Do you dream? I mean vivid, alive, bright and amazing type dream. Do you imagine a better life for yourself, your friends, your family? How’s that going? I don’t feel any of us are under the illusion of the American Dream and what it entails, more than that, we know that it isn’t a dream at all. For no matter how hard we try we may never ever attain it. And don’t get at me with all the pull yourself up by the bootstraps shit. People do their damndest every day to earn a living to create a better life and spend more time struggling instead of living. I’m not going to talk about why that is so because I just don’t feel like getting into that. I don’t think we believe in much anymore but certain things still ring true to us: faith, hard work, discipline, character. DACA defines those traits. Trump wants to remove those that represent those traits as fast as possible. It’s horse shit.

If you have any piece of your soul left it had to be a bit weary hearing the stories of those losing their DACA protection and seeing people leave their families, their homes, their jobs to go back to a place they were removing themselves from. I don’t see color in that instance. Well I do. I see the thread of America being pulled apart thread by thread until it leaves a tattered mess in its wake. Of tears and shattered families, of dreams deferred. Of ICE raids and Americans being detained and deported. Sorry to tell you this but those are Americans. They aren’t immigrants, they aren’t refugees. They live. They pay taxes. They enjoy Marvel movies and a nice summer breeze. They..are…not…illegals. Not under the laws we set for and the freedoms and protections that those laws are supposed to provide. The compromise put forth is that DACA recipients can stay as long as proper funding for border control can be put in. If this is the Art of the Deal, this is a shitty deal. It’s extortion disguised as compromise. If I’m understanding this we should keep a figurative union together by literally funding a dividing line. My Lord man fuck that wall. I mean it makes sense for a man who is always interested in real estate to build something but a wall? It’s not even a Trojan horse. We can see the scam from here.

Donald Trump is a lot of things: charlatan, racist, sociopath, narcissist, petty, angry, untrustworthy. I hope that he doesn’t add cruelty to that list. Again, these aren’t immigrants. Technically we all are. These aren’t refugees. Neither are we. They are Americans that truly believe in the American Dream. They believe in hard work and faith and patience and perseverance. We do but we’ve removed a bit of that from our core. We are a now generation that needs a bit more patience. It’s the compromise we make every morning: sacrifice a bit of the dream to live and earn today. DACA recipients should be praised, not admonished. They shouldn’t be called anything accept Americans. They make us great. They are the reflection of what once made our country to beacon to the world that has drawn in so many ethnicities, religions and cultures. That was us before. They are a view into our wonderful past and hopefully beautiful future. People like them make America great again. It’s up to the President to realize that.

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